What a fuck am I doing in this battlefield
A documentary by Nico Peltier and Julien Fezans
This film attempted to recreate the dark and tortured inner world of the musician Matt Elliott, also known for his work within the band Third Eye Foundation. Through its social and musical experiences, we discovered a rebellious yet lucid man, constantly observing the world, who is not afraid to give his views on contemporary society. Matt Elliott reveals himself with foresee the winding path of his thought as a citizen and musician. Thanks to his sincerity and lets us musical production, violent and intimate, he frees himself from his demons, and tries to fuse with the core of the music of the soul.
+ Price of most innovative mid-lenght movie « Vision du réel »
International competition – Nyon, Suisse. 2013
+ Docville – Music Doc – Louvain, Belgique. 2013
+ FID – Écrans Parallèles, Chœur – Marseille, France. 2013
+ États généraux du film documentaire – Expériences du regard –
Lussas, France. 2013
+ Doclisboa – Moving Stills – Lisbonne, Portugal. 2013
+ Dok Leipzig – Young Cinéma Competition- Allemagne. 2013
+ Flahertiana film festival, Perm, Russie. 2013
+ Sichuan TV festival, Chengdu, China. 2013
+ Traces de vie, Clermont-Ferrand, France. 2013
+ Mois du film documentaire. 2013
+ Fame, Film & Music experience. Paris, France. 2014
+ Rencontre du cinéma Européen de Vannes. France 2014
+ Brussel Film Festival, Music Doc. Belgique 2014
+ DORF Film Festival, Croatie 2015
+ Rencontre d’AD HOC. France 2015
+ La Roche sur Yon Film festival. France 2015
+ Prix Qualité CNC 2015
Backstage at a concert hall, the musician Matt Elliot, also known for his involvement with the group Third Eye Foundation, is anxious about the late arrival of another musician. This is the beginning of a portrait of the dark and tortured world of the artist, who – clearly complicit with the directors – opens up during rehearsals, concerts, interviews or through his writings. With disturbing clarity of expression, Elliott describes his recent dreams, shares his points of view on religion, and discusses his depression and the magic of inspiration. He also reveals his heartfelt opinions on politics and state manipulation. Consisting of three acts peppered by interludes of humour shared with other musicians, this film always maintains the right distance from its subject. The music running through the film forms the epilogue to a superb sequence in which the artist sings: “And how is one supposed to mourn if one is not entirely sure what has died?” Specialising in image and sound, respectively, the two directors deliver a tremendously sensitive and poetic directorial debut.
Emilie Bujès, Vision du reel.
A record of various encounters with musician Matt Elliott before and after a number of concerts, filmed in expressive black and white. A fascinating simultaneity of absolute directness and extreme stylisation in the tradition of the legendary conversations recorded in Andy Warhol’s “Interview”. A music film, certainly, but working with precise understatement to resist the temptations of becoming a mere product sales channel. Matt Elliott’s works are usually defined as somewhere between dark folk and melancholic-electric avant-garde. His albums are appropriately entitled “Howling Songs” or “The Broken Man”. Obviously trusting the two filmmakers Julien Fezans and Nico Peltier completely, the musician opens up and talks in disturbing clarity about God, the world, the role nightmares and episodes of depression play for his creativity, his sympathetic refusal to play the Angry Young Man in everyday life, and his hatred of political manipulation and despotism. By the way: the central chapter of this film bears the allusive title “The Howl”, which suggests associations with literature. We have good reasons to assume that some poses and gestures explicitly refer to Edvard Munch’s expressionist painting “The Scream”.
Ralph Eue, Dok Leipzig.
Neither Fezans or Peltier approaches Elliott’s dilemmas with the mentality of a typical documentary filmmaker; there is no narration, and linearity is insignificant. It’s just pure on-screen existentialism, a perfect complement to Elliott’s darkly tortured music that utilizes flamenco/folk, slowcore, dark ambient, drum and bass, and chamber music to create an oppressively gorgeous and singular sound across his two projects- Third Eye Foundation and the more abundant recent output under his own name, Matt Elliott.
Phipps Film.
Attention, noir soleil. Matt Elliott, se prête ici au jeu de la confession face aux caméras de Nico Peltier et Julien Fezans, qui l’ont suivi en studio et en tournée. Après ses années de fièvre, le Britannique opte désormais pour les volutes torturées, qui unissent l’homme et la machine, le souffle à la texture électronique. Épousant presque amoureusement l’univers du musicien, ce film très tenu parvient à retranscrire une vérité rarement dévoilée : le secret de la création. Rien que cela. À cet effet, il entrelace des séquences strictement musicales, magnifiées par un noir et blanc qui ne la ramène jamais et la parole d’un Matt Elliott à nu. Que devient un artiste après avoir connu le succès ? Quelle relation entretient-il avec sa musique, qui est aussi son travail ? Laborieux et routinier, le métier d’en-chanteur demeure sur le fil de la création pure et de l’abattage quotidien. On découvre aussi un Matt Elliott citoyen disert, comme sorti d’une dépression pas strictement musicale. Car d’un champ de bataille il est en effet question tout au long de ce film : celui du labeur sans cesse reconduit, jusqu’à la grâce, ce fil qui unit la vie et la musique.
La gaité lyrique.
Pour leur premier documentaire, Nico Peltier et Julien Fezans ont magistralement saisi la voix et la présence captivantes d’un créateur – ses doutes, ses angoisses existentielles – dans un film épuré, intemporel, noir et dense, d’une noirceur rayonnante. What a fuck am I doing on this battlefield ? embrasse non sans drôlerie l’intimité et le monde, ce champ de bataille dans lequel chacun cherche sa voie et dans lequel Matt Elliott trouve son inspiration.
KUB web media.
L’ouverture semble illustrer le titre du film avec un Matt Elliott prêt à douter du bien-fondé de sa présence dans ces coulisses en attente d’une prestation similaire à tant d’autres. Il poursuit, alternant la candeur des postures et la précision des observations. La ténacité et la conviction mènent cette avancée où surgissent stridence électronique et dark folk. L’espace restreint saisi par la caméra se resserre sur une interprétation à fleur de peau, où les blessures annulent toute distance.
Gilles Grand, Fid Marseille.
Le projet est aussi original que fascinant : deux vidéastes, Nicolas Peltier et Julien Felzans, ont suivi pendant deux ans et demi le singulier Matt Elliott.(…) Un type pas commode de prime abord, un peu flippant, qui peut foutre mal à l’aise mais qu’on dit « très sympathique quand on le connaît », auteur d’une musique souvent flippée et flippante : histoires de banlieues sordides, de drogues, de violences urbaines, de flingues…
Denis, Sun burns out.